Keto Living Plan

The Keto living plan is catching fire and gaining momentum. Especially among those that want to effectively manage weight. Keto living, however, is more than a typical diet. It’s a way of optimizing your body to live healthier and trimmer. Fortunately, the basics of Keto is simple to understand, except hard to master

Woman who lost weight with "Never Give Up" on Keto Lifestyle Plan

We’re here to make it easy for anyone wanting to improve health and weight now. And remember, the best strategy to any plan is to stay consistent and stick with it. Never give up, never. Progress will happen with patience and in time.

A Look at Ketosis and Ketogenesis

So, let’s break a complex ketosis process into useful information here. Put simply, ketosis is a metabolic process in which your body converts energy from “fatty” foods instead of “sugary” foods. Keto living is adjusting your diet so that your body relies on your body’s stored fat for energy because it is “starved” of sugars. In other words, we need to significantly reduce the amount of sugar we consume. Ketogenesis occurs over time as our bodies deplete of sugar and relies on fatty and amino acids for energy. The result is weight loss (ketogenic diet) and some serious health benefits including:

  • Reduce risk factors for heart disease
  • Slow tumor growth (cancer)
  • Reduce symptoms and slow Alzheimer disease
  • Lessen symptoms of Parkinson’s disease (Epilepsy)
  • Possibly improve acne
  • And why most of us like this plan: healthier and slimmer

Keto Living Right for You?

The only problem is, the Keto diet can scare people away, because “starving” your body of sugar/carbohydrates doesn’t seem easy to achieve, nor pleasant. Keep reading, and we’ll try to remove those fears. However, if at this point you know Keto living isn’t for you, then go here, this is a curiously hot find that can help you reach your goals without “starving”.

There are keto diets meant for specific outcomes, including medical uses such as preventing or managing diabetes. Click here if you’d like to read more in-depth information on the ketogenic process and the many health benefits. This resource includes references to research that support the advantages of living on a keto diet.

Our Keto Living Plan

However, for our intent and purpose here, we’re going to stick to a keto living plan that results in a healthier and trimmer us. So, fasting and starving is not pleasant, but you don’t need to. Simply follow this easy five-step process:

  1. Take this step with friends and/or family if possible. If not stay tuned, more to come to these pages for support!
  2. Start self-awareness of the amount of sugar and carbohydrates (energy from sugar) that is in your diet.
  3. Reduce sugars and carbohydrates in your meal plan (cut back on foods such as doughnuts, fries and shakes) – over time; Or as much as possible at a time; And take your time with this step! No reason to shock your body and mental state. Easy steps. Expect to fail a few times or a lot at this. It is expected and okay!
  4. Continue reducing sugar/carbohydrates;
  5. Use the supplements found below. They are natural, work, and will be an immense help in this step. All supplements are sugar free, provide your body nutrients while dieting, and curb your appetite and sweet tooth.
  6. Increase whole/healthy foods (meats and veggies)
  7. Enjoy a slimmer and more importantly, healthier you

The Keto Living Diet – Foods to Avoid

Sandwich with measure tool
Set diet goals and pace that are achievable.

So, let’s not depress ourselves here. Cut down, not give up completely or starve ourselves of the foods we love. That’s just not living anymore on any diet plan. Plus, we’re all human and we mess up. Remember, don’t give up and stick with the plan. Of course, this is our custom Keto living plan, so how about we start on cutting back over time, not stopping completely. It’s silly and unrealistic for many of us anyway. Therefore, have an emergency doughnut, guilt free. We’ll still get where we need to go.

Examples of foods we love on, but have to cut back on:

  • Sugary: soft drinks, fruit juice, cake, ice cream, candy
  • Junk Food: Fast food, microwave food, etc.
  • Grains/Starches: Wheat, rice, pasta, cereal
  • Fruit: All fruit, stick to small portions of berries – blueberry/strawberry
  • Beans/Legumes: Peas, beans, lentils, chickpeas
  • Root Veggies/Tubers: Potatoes, carrots, parsnips
  • Low-fat products: Highly processed and typically high in carbs
  • Condiments: High in sugar or saturated fats
  • Unhealthy fats: processed/vegetable oils
  • Alcohol: Beer, high carb content

The Keto Living Diet – Foods to Enjoy

Above, is the bad news for our Keto living plan. Here’s the good news. We can eat whole foods including:

  • Steak, ham, sausage, bacon (oh yes, bacon), chicken and turkey
  • Fatty fish: Salmon, trout, tuna, mackerel
  • Eggs: omega 3
  • Butter, cream, yogurt
  • Cheese (unprocessed)
  • Nuts and seeds: Almonds, walnuts, flax, pumpkin, chia
  • Oils: Extra virgin olive, coconut, and avocado
  • Avocado, green veggies, tomatoes, onions, peppers
  • Condiments: salt, pepper, herbs/spices

The Keto Living Plan – The Simpler Way

Fork with measuring tape wrapped around

So, not really that bad, especially for us meat and salad lovers. Let’s rest on the seventh day and chow on a three-meat pizza, down a shake, and chase it with some fine wine. Because, here’s a way to make our wholesome Keto living a bit easier. We add to our plan natural and healthy Keto supporting supplements. This enables us to realistically achieve effective outcomes for looking, feeling, and living healthier through our Keto plan.

Get results now without adding stress by having to say goodbye to the foods we love. We simply combine one or more of the following three natural supplements to maximize our Keto living plan. By doing this, we minimize our chance of giving up on our plans, because we will get results now, and that can be a powerful motivator to keep going.

These very healthy and natural supplements work extremely well to promote ketogenesis and make a Keto lifestyle easier to achieve. Especially, if weight loss is your goal and you struggle with this goal. We can make our Keto lifestyle achievable and get results with:

Keto Living Plan supporting supplements

Keto Supporting Supplements and Beverages

Use these supplements in combination to support your Keto diet, making it easier to achieve, and lose weight faster.

With these supplements:

  • Promote ketogenesis
  • Liberate sugars stored in fat cells
  • Provide health fats for brain nourishment
  • Stimulate serotonin satiety
  • Improve mood
  • Beat hunger
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This exciting product is a patent pending nutritional breakthrough that provides cellular support and nutrition, enabling the body to take maximum advantage of the nutrients in foods and supplements. This is a wonderful breakthrough that will become part of an amazing overall better health routine for those lucky enough to discover this super supplement. We can support our keto way of life by maximizing the nutrients we are getting from our fat burning process, and get our goals happening now. All this, with convenience of a few mouth sprays per day.

Prevail Keto Creamer

Dissolve this great tasting, sugar-free creamer instantly in your daily coffee or beverage routine. This is an amazing simple way to help you to reduce the amount of sugar in your routine and help your body start turning stored fat into energy.

SlimROAST Coffee

This is the flagship product for weight management in a healthy home brew cup. This works extremely well on its own as a natural and healthy weight management supplement. Add Keto Creamer and PrevailMAX™ to your daily coffee routine, and reap the rewards and benefits to your Keto plan. It will never be easier than this. These products work so well that you can also half the recommended servings. Especially if you are on this “triple” performance plan, and get results faster.

Congratulations to a new you!

Wow, if you are still here, then that is it. You are officially serious. Congratulations, we all should be more serious about our health. So, let’s get going and take the next step… a step for you and your health; And keto way of life that guarantees a return on hard work and investment.