GIMP Free Image Editor – a closer look!

Here we introduce GIMP free image editor and give you a tour of the application. GIMP is a powerful image editing tool rich with professional features. This application is completely free to use, yet on par with some of the best paid photo editing apps on the market.

GIMP free image editor logo.

Some may find GIMP a bit more challenging to use than other photo editors. If this is you, check out some great free mobile photo editing apps found here. Get fun and pro results fast!

Hmm… GIMP free image editor?

GIMP is an acronym for “GNU Image Manipulation Program”. A “techy” sounding name for a photo/image editing program. GIMP is an open-source application. This means it is free for anyone to download and use. Also “open-source” means the application can be modified and enhanced by any programmers who know how to write computer code.

What can GIMP do?

GIMP is a tool to edit photos and images. Or, it can be used to create images and graphics from a blank canvas. The application can be used for personal use, or at a professional grade level. GIMP is simple enough to use for basic users, and complex enough to output professional graphics! Therefore, edit your photos like a pro! Further, the application is excellent for beginners that would like to learn how to use pro-grade editing tools found within the application. Let’s take a quick, but closer look at what GIMP can do!

Image Manipulation

GIMP menu bar.

GIMP free image editor can perform all the basic functions you’d expect in an image editor:

  • Cut, copy, paste, zoom, crop and resize your image
  • Custom select parts of your image
  • Draw and paint over your image
  • Clone your image
  • Smudge your image
  • Type text over top of your image
  • Much more!

If you are completely new to image editing, then there will be a learning curve involved. However, once you get the hang of it after a few tries and experimentation, these tools enable you to edit quickly. Such as changing your image size, or “painting” over blemishes, or even making one dog into many dogs (clone tool) within a single image.

In addition, easily change color and exposure settings such as brightness, tone, and saturation.


Applying filters is also easy which can render some dramatic effects. Here’s an example of a before and after image using GIMP :

The image on the left is the original and on the right is the result after applying two filters and typing in our site URL for some “dramatic” effect! Done and posted for this article within minutes! If you’re on a budget but need some “pro-like” graphics, GIMP is a great solution. Unless, you’re in the business of Performance Blogging. Then all is made easy for you, as you can cheaply get custom built images for your site. But, if you want sharpen your own image editing skills, GIMP is best from our vantage point.


GIMP free image editor interface.
GIMP Work Space

Whoever invented “layering’ in image editing software, needs the Nobel Prize. Having layering capability is critical for creating graphics or editing photos, without frustration. Another word for layering could be “overlay”.

With layering you can perform functions such as paint, draw, type text, etc. on a new layer (over top your original image). If you goof, you can easily remove the layer, without completely having to start over. We don’t know how many layers can be added on top of each other, but lots. So, you can work step by step with your image, and if you don’t like a step, then simply remove the layer. Also, you can create image effects and animations, and turn layers “on” and “off” to quickly save images with different visual effects.

Download GIMP FREE

We’ve only scratched the surface of GIMP’s capabilities. Luckily, it comes with a User Manual and plenty of support guides. We can’t find any better deals than free. For this grade app, free is a steal, and no harm in trying. If you love GIMP then you can choose to make donations to the developers. And if you like what we’re doing at 9e9k The Curious Hot Spot, try a product or service, it helps us out!