Free Stuff – online finds for everyone.

There is one thing harder to find than good free stuff: People who don’t like free stuff! A lot of things we come across aren’t truly free. So, we do have some ongoing work to do in our search. However, below you’ll find some curious free things we can share with you right now!


free stuff

This is really an online gift as you can get Bitcoin, for nothing. We wish we would have found this sooner! Even having a fraction of a fraction of a Bitcoin would be worth thousands today! It does require signing up for and downloading SmartMiner to your computer or device. Nobody has regretted doing this (including us at the Curious) as your device will become a 24/7 money maker. This is simply one of the best programs that allows us poor folk to access the mining craze from our regular home computers or devices. This truly evens out the playing field for mining prized Bitcoin. The catch? There is none, and that’s why it makes the curiously hot list.  

Start here to get in on the Bitcoin craze:

Sometimes a work of art takes a bit of time. We’re crafting up some more goodies to share with our readers! However, there is one particular curious item we are looking for in particular.


And that is, how to find online stuff for free. We know there are method and strategies out there to help us do this.

We just don’t know where yet. And we don’t mean just anything out there, but quality products and services from low to no cost. That is one of the reasons we even exist. To help bring value and quality of life to readers. The way to finding these high value items is teachable, however, we’re still looking for the right program to find and share. Until then, we do have a method here that is possibly more valuable than finding stuff on the internet. And that is how to join an online marketing community that will support you in building your own success!

Stay tuned, as we grow, we’ll keep adding more and more to our sections. Also, making site adjustments where needed as not everything we find turns out curiously hot,