Free Diapers and Parent Resources

If you’re expecting or already in the parental mix, then here are some free baby diapers and product resources to help the budget. Caring for your newborn is scary enough without having to worry about finances. Unfortunately, parents may not be aware to take advantage of the savings . Therefore, we listed resources to help you find ways to save on baby care.

free diapers

Diapers are not only expensive but also environmentally unfriendly. We’ve tried both cloth diapers and also normal disposables. Admittedly, while cloth saves money, and the environment, they are a bit of work to keep rotating and clean. All we can say is rinse before wash… yuck! But, cloth can help you save lots in the long run.

Whether you use disposables or try cloth, here are is an excellent resource to help you save:

verywell family

Also verywell will help you through any stage of being a parent. All information is medically reviewed! They have a decent article on ways you can save on diapers (and not have ads pop up at you).

Besides free diapers, you can also learn how to get free baby samples and other freebies on the same site.

for families experiencing hardship

Get free diapers through a national diaper bank.

If your family is experiencing hardship there is help for you. Or, if you would like to help support families across the nation in need, then this is the resource for you. The National Diaper Bank Network (NDBN) helps families provide basic necessities for children. The NDBN mission is to end diaper need and period poverty. If you need diapers for your family, then go right to the NDBN member diaper banks directory here:


parenting resources

Chances are you’ve seen this site, but just in case here is a good resource for general information. Healthline contains numerous articles and information for expecting families and parenthood. The articles provide topics that you would not normally think about, making them curiously interesting.